How to Find Your Personal Style

It is so popular to label yourself or others as a certain aesthetic. She’s so cottage core, or he’s so dark academia. While these labels can create visually appealing styles, it is unlikely that you fit into one specific category. Frankly, fitting into one aesthetic can get rather boring.

Your personal style reflects who you are on the inside, on the outside. Finding your style can greatly enhance confidence and making picking out clothes more enjoyable. Here is how I work towards finding my own personal style:

Make a Pinterest Board

Okay, I know you’ve heard this one before. But there are so many pins on Pinterest, and just searching up “aesthetic outfits” can bring up a wide variety of results. Here’s my step by step guide to finding your style through Pinterest:

  1. Start with a generic search for “cute outfits” or “aesthetic outfits”. Save the pins to a board that catch your eye and are of outfits that you are drawn to, no matter how unique or unachievable the clothes might seem.
  2. Once you have a decent amount of pins saved, go to your board. Once there, click on the “more ideas” button, and you will see pins similar to the ones you have saved. Keep repeating this until you have a large collection of outfits or style inspiration saved onto you board. Look for words to describe the pins you have saved. Are the outfits casual, elegant, classy, polished? Type whatever descriptive words you find into a Pinterest search to hopefully find more inspiration in the same category of outfits.
  3. Look at the board of outfit inspiration that you have created, and try and find specific clothing items that are often repeated on multiple pins that you have saved. For example, if many people in your pins are wearing a pair of baggy, dark wash jeans, then invest in a pair of similar pants. Next time you go thrifting or shopping look for pieces that are a close match to the ones that you have on your Pinterest board.

My style is always evolving, as is my Pinterest board. Once you find the words to describe the style you are drawn to it becomes so much easier to curate your own individual look. And always remember to…

Stay Flexible

Your style is bound to change over time, because your personality will change over time. It is important to stay flexible with your style, and be open to trying new ideas.

Thrifting is a great and inexpensive way to add some unique pieces to your wardrobe that can reflect who you are. Remember to also buy staple pieces though, as classic clothes will never go out of style.

Have fun and experiment with your style! It’s okay to follow trends, but make sure to only wear things that you really enjoy. Best of luck on your style journey my loves!

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