How to Stay Healthy as a Busy College Student

As a college student, it is so easy to become overwhelmed with simply trying to do all of your work, balance extracurriculars, and go to long classes. Not to mention having a social life, which is absolutely necessary as well. All of these things are time consuming, and it can seem impossible to find ways to incorporate healthy habits into your life. No matter what your schedule looks like, here are some manageable ways to make you a little healthier, and of course, allow you to feel your best.

Minimalist home office setup with laptop on bed, coffee cup, and notes for a comfortable work environment.

1. Have a morning routine

I know it is tempting to wake up in the morning and open your laptop right away just to get a head start on your work for the day, but this is not doing you any good! I am a firm believer that a positive morning sets you up for a positive day, so it is crucial that you take some time for yourself in the morning.

Your routine does not have to take up a long time or be overly complex, but it should include a few things:

First, you should be sure to make your bed before leaving your dorm or room. Even if you have a lofted bed! I know it can seem pointless, but the sense of accomplishment you get from making your bed will set you up for success. That one small task will lead to more, larger tasks that you will accomplish throughout the rest of your day.

Another things that you should incorporate into your morning routine is movement. This does not have to be going out in the cold and to the gym, (You are so brave if you do this, though!) but could simply be stretching for five minutes in your room. This will leave you feeling more grounded and in your body as you go about the rest of your day.

One final thing that is necessary for your morning routine is taking a few minutes doing something just for you. This could be making a cup of coffee, or reading a few pages of a book. Taking this time for yourself can give you something to look forward to when you wake up every morning.

I could go on and on about different things to include in your morning routines, but these are just a few essentials that will set you up for a great day. I know that this might mean you have to wake up just thirty minutes earlier, but I promise it is worth it.

Adorable ginger cat sleeping peacefully on a soft bed indoors. Perfect depiction of relaxation.

2. Get enough sleep

My first quarter of college, I had the worst sleep schedule of my life. I was going to bed at irregular times, and waking up early and exhausted. Getting enough sleep is essential to feeling good in yourself everyday. Sleep affects your moods, your appearance, how you feel, and your overall health. I made it one of my goals my second quarter to fix my sleep schedule, and I have to say that my sleep schedule dramatically improved. I felt so much healthier and happier once I got my sleep in check, and here is how:

I made it a priority to get at least seven (but preferably eight) hours of sleep every night. Getting enough sleep as a college student is so hard because you do need time to study and see friends, and these activities often happen at night. I try to get all of my work done for the day before dinner, have dinner with my friends, maybe hang out after, and then head back to my room to wind down and go to sleep. This is not the case every night, but most nights I make it work because sleep is one of my priorities. Obviously the weekends are different, but on school nights I try to be in bed by 10:00 pm, and I wake up at 6:00 am to have enough time for my morning routine before class.

This schedule is not going to work for everyone! And that is absolutely okay. What matters most is finding a schedule that works for you. I am a morning person, so sleeping early and waking early works best for me. But if you are more productive during the nighttime, then maybe you will sleep later and wake later, as long as that works with your schedule. Also, the seasons will impact your sleep hours, as it gets darker earlier in the winter and there are generally less nighttime activities. What is important is that you are getting enough sleep overall.

Close-up of a woman rolling out a yoga mat in a bright indoor space, ready for a workout.

3. Move as much as possible

It is not realistic to ask everyone to go to the gym regularly. I understand that the last thing I want to do on a cold winter morning is walk to the gym, even if it is only a few blocks away. There are other ways to incorporate movement into your life though that are free and easy.

One of my favorite ways to workout is to do an at home pilates workout in my room. This makes me feel productive, and is also something I can do in my pjs. If you don’t like pilates, try to find a different workout video online. There are even five minute workouts you could do, so time is really no excuse.

There are also other simple ways that you could add more movement throughout your day. Instead of the elevator, take the stairs. Or try walking instead of taking the bus. And if you are sitting down all day, make sure to get up and stretch every once and a while.

Being a college student is overwhelming for so many reasons. I mean, you are having to do all of your schoolwork on top of learning how to live on your own for the first time. But if you take the time to slow down and make healthier choices, you will feel so much better in your day to day life.

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